To meet the medium and high packaging requirements of today’s market, industrial packaging machines are indispensable for any company with its plant.

They are designed to optimize time, energy efficiency, work safety and save on material consumption, but few people are aware of the properties of an industrial packaging machine.

Main properties that an industrial packaging machine should have 

The main function of industrial packaging machines is to efficiently pack and wrap goods so that they can be transported, handled and stored. Thus, the system’s main objective is to protect the products that are packaged during the entire packaging process.

The main properties of an industrial machine are:

  • To allow the identification of the goods.

  • The equipment must be adjusted to the distribution and loading units of the goods.

  • To provide packaging that is resistant to transport, weathering including dust and dirt, handling and commercial distribution.

  • Enable the packaging to be adapted to the manufacturing and packaging lines of the goods.

  • That the packaging is adjusted to the loading and distribution units of the products.

  • That it meets the requirements of consumers in terms of ergonomics, quality and size, among others.

  • It must comply with the legislation in force.

propiedades de una máquina de embalaje industrial
Likewise, it should be emphasized that correct packaging tends to avoid losses and breakages that can lead to extra costs in production. The use of one type of machine or another will depend on the goods being handled.

Advantages of industrial packaging machinery 

At CMB we have a wide range of machines, both for cold and hot work, that will take your packaging plant a leap into the future.

Better use of time and efficiency 

By incorporating an industrial packaging machine, the relationship between production time and human resources in the plant is considerably improved.

It is thanks to the efficiency that tends to be achieved with this kind of machinery that staff tasks are much more diversified and everything becomes much more productive and effective. In essence, more work is done in less time, increasing the profitability of your packaging plant.

Reduced risk in the workplace

We know that any manual task tends to carry with it an occupational hazard for the employees performing it, especially within a factory or industry. By using an industrial packaging machine, this risk can be reduced to practically nothing and human resources can be used for tasks that provide more value, are less repetitive and more important.  

You contribute to taking care of the planet with more efficient and environmentally friendly processes 

propiedades de una máquina de embalaje industrial

All our machinery has been designed to reduce the consumption of consumables and materials in any packaging plant. With its use, the use of cardboard is drastically reduced, in addition to having machines that are capable of using the right number of consumables for each product, reducing waste to a minimum and adjusting costs as much as possible.

The material used in our machines is mainly polyethylene in its different variants, all of which are fully recyclable and environmentally friendly, minimizing the impact on the carbon footprint of the companies that use them.

Having said that, we advise you to take a look at all the strengths of our machinery:



If you need us to solve any doubt, or you would like to ask us any question about it, don’t waste any more time and contact us.

Call us on (+34) 93 636 14 16 to speak directly to one of our technicians or, if you prefer, e-mail us to [email protected] or take a few seconds to fill in the following form. It’s as simple as that! You will hear from us in a short space of time, we have always been known for offering a direct and personalized service to all our customers. This is one of the most important parts of our daily work, so let’s not waste any more time!