Eco-friendly packaging for industry through automated and efficient systems

What is eco-friendly packaging for industry? When we discuss packaging, we refer to the material used to protect a product during the transport process. Digging a little deeper, we can clearly differentiate between three levels of packaging, which act together to ensure maximum protection of the goods during the transport process.

  • Primary: is the packaging that is in direct contact with the product. That is, it is the first protective layer of the merchandise. Its purpose is to ensure the preservation of the product while allowing the product to be identified.

  • Secondary: it could be said that it is the packaging that surrounds the primary packaging. In this case, its main function is to facilitate the handling and transfer of products or goods. It must be resistant to stacking.

  • Tertiary: finally, as if it were a Russian doll, the tertiary packaging wraps around the previous ones. Being the packaging that is in contact with the world, it is made of resistant materials to prevent the merchandise from being damaged.

Eco-friendly packaging for industry: what to consider before choosing a type of packaging

At CMB, we offer highly efficient packaging machines that allow you to optimize the packaging process to the maximum, providing effective and safe packaging efficiently. Our packaging machines have been adapting to new technologies and new market needs to offer a high-quality service.

However, while the machinery used is essential to achieve a good result, it is essential to consider different factors. First, it will be necessary to assess the type of product you are working with. The more fragile the load, the more protection it will need.

packaging organic for the industry

On the other hand, we must also consider what the purpose of the packaging is, that is, what we are going to pack the product for. Transport packaging is not the same as storage packaging. Each lens has different needs, and therefore will require different materials. Clearly setting targets will help you choose the most efficient packaging method and materials.

Why is it necessary to optimize the packaging process and how to do it?

When we refer to packaging optimization, we are talking about a process in which supply chain engineering specialists look for ways to carry out the packaging of goods in a more efficient way.

Optimizing the packaging process has numerous benefits for companies, especially highlighting the great savings involved in deciding machinery that allows products to be packed while wasting the minimum amount of material possible. Likewise, the use of ecological packaging for industry allows companies to optimize costs by taking care of the environment and minimizing the contribution to the carbon footprint.

packaging organic for the industry

How to optimize the packaging process

The first step to getting the most out of and improving costs in the packaging process is to optimize the materials used. The ideal will be to choose ecological, recyclable and affordable packaging for the industry, as recommended by CMB. Likewise, it will be convenient to look for materials that are easy to handle, but without diminishing the quality of the protection.

In addition to choosing ecological packaging for the industry, and always keeping in mind the well-being of the environment, it will be necessary to optimize the use of them, to use the least possible amount of material per package. This, in addition to generating less waste, also entails a reduction in costs that can be quite considerable.

And finally, another factor to consider is the type of product we are working with. Choosing a packaging adapted to the product is a much more efficient approach than standardizing the entire process to the maximum, as logical as the latter may seem.

Mechanization and automation of the packaging process

The packaging process has been modernized and incorporating new technologies. This not only allows you to reduce costs in the long term, but also optimizes the process enormously.

At CMB we offer specific packaging machines for various types of materials and products that will allow you to get the most out of your packaging, reducing costs and customizing the process to the maximum for each product. Whether you work with a specific product or with an expansive range, our balers are an ideal and necessary solution.

What models of machinery can we offer you from CMB?

We can offer you cold packaging machines such as the ERL, COOLPACK and SUPER P series, which work with stretch-type and fully recyclable polyethylene film systems. We also have machines that work by means of a retraction system with heat applied to the film, also and always made of recyclable polyethylene. Examples are the ERB, COMBO and ERS series. In the case of these last machines that work with retraction tunnels, we have developed the ECOTHERM system that prevents temperature losses, optimizes the recirculation of the heat flow and improves the shrink wrapping of the film.

If you are interested in knowing more details about our packaging machines, please contact CMB. Write to us at [email protected] or call us at (+34) 93 636 14 16. It will be a pleasure to help you choose your packaging machine.

packaging organic for the industry