The quality and technology we develop in all our machinery is what makes us make a difference
AT CMB, we are manufacturers of high-quality packaging machinery. Today, the industrial packaging market has become potentially broad, so it is always essential that you can count on the right machinery to not only meet your needs, but to provide a guarantee and quality service to others.
Due to our extensive experience, in CMB we have had a continuous growth and the application of quality standards that guarantee the excellent work and commitment that we put as manufacturers of packaging machinery. For this reason, we invite you to learn more about our company and why we are your best option to purchase equipment to pack products.
CMB: More than 35 years of experience and quality
Established in 1986, at CMB, we have done nothing more than focus on continuous growth and technological development to provide our customers with the most efficient machinery on the market. Significantly, this commitment to innovation is what differentiates us from the rest, since we not only conceive the manufacture of packaging machinery of exceptional quality, but we consider everything goes further, such as the relationship with our potential customers and the specialized attention they require.
In addition, our design and manufacturing departments have the most appropriate facilities to develop their work well, attending to all the particularities that may exist at the administrative, technical and industrial level. Located in Barcelona, we have made Castelldefels our headquarters and then expand our products throughout the country and beyond our borders.
In which sectors do we specialize as manufacturers of packaging machinery?
Certainly, the packaging industry can be very versatile, since this implies meeting different requirements depending on the sector to which they are focused. With this in mind, in CMB we have had all our creativity and vision to approach the wood and furniture sectors, but also aluminium and many more, since we conceive them as the ones that most need this industrial application, either for storage or transport, but, in short, for its preservation. The advantages of automation in an industrial packaging line are multiple, and with CMB machinery, you can enjoy all of them.
As manufacturers of packaging machinery, we recommend…
If what you require is a total automation of your packaging process, we will certainly advise you on our Combo model. In CMB we have for you models that allow packaging with thermo-retractable film for furniture, mattresses and even tires, which demonstrate the versatility of the product. Our equipment is specially designed for mass work for hours, so that your production chain is also guaranteed if you buy our packaging machines.
This also depends on the size of the products, since, if the packaging of larger goods is required, our ERL line is the ideal one for this. In this sense, our ERL 150 Express model allows you to pack with stretchable polyethylene film that, correctly, is certified for products of immense proportions. This, with the purpose of safeguarding the integrity of everything related to packaging and that our customers are satisfied with the performance of the equipment.
ECO and environmental awareness permeates all areas of our daily lives. The packaging sector is no exception to this. In this way, at CMB, we have focused for the last three decades to work in this line to become manufacturers of packaging machinery as sustainable as possible. An example of this is our COOLPACK line, which not only allows quality packaging for your products, but is also energy efficient. Thus, we guarantee a final product of excellent performance, considering the ecological field and minimizing as much as possible the carbon footprint.
If you are one of those who care about the environment, our technology progressively aims to preserve it by implementing materials and components that are less polluting and, at the same time, continue to provide optimal results. As you can see, the nature of the packaging industry is intrinsically linked to the preservation of products and goods, but at CMB we want to broaden our focus towards a more sustainable model.
Eco Conscious Packaging Machinery Manufacturers
Why choose CMB over other brands?
We are your best option for many reasons, but, above all because we attend to the particularities and offer personalized machinery that truly seeks to revolutionize the packaging market in Spain. Adapting to new times, we represent the transition from the usual cardboard to higher quality protections that can also be recyclable.
With all this in mind, at CMB, we constantly try to get closer to perfection to provide machinery with exceptional performance and that endorse our trajectory in the sector.
If you are attracted by our proposal, we invite you to contact us through our communication channels. As manufacturers of high-quality packaging machinery, at CMB we also stand out for our customer service, so we wait for you to meet your requests.